Friday, July 1, 2011

Thursday 30th June 2011 Katherine

A very relaxed and slow start to the day - nice! Decided to re-arrange some stuff and make a bit more usable space near the sink. After making a significant mess, I did make a difference.

The turn-over of campers at the park is full-on. Every morning there are empty sites but just after 10:00 a.m. there would be lines of happy campers waiting to check in. Many people stay overnight and head either north or south.  This is a neat, clean caravan park with large sites and plenty of shade (and cheap washing machines - $3) but the ventilation (or lack of it) in the shower/toilet block is awful. It's like a sauna and the floor tiles are damp and slippery all day - there's no cross-ventilation.

We visited the local council building today because it has an art gallery. The current exhibition showcased the paintings of Tiwi Islanders who have a disability. Mentors work along side and offer support. Some paintings were very simple, child-like images and others were more complex but all of them were impressive.

bird in park (not sure what it is; checked out bird book)

Later in the afternoon, we cooled off in the "hot" springs. More steps! Compared to Mataranka, these springs were not hot but it was pleasant and we chatted with more people who were from different states and going to different places.

Bobby cooked a pretty good red chicken curry for tea. Bloody flies liked it too.

Bob the red chicken curry king
Photo of Teys Bros is for Brian (a neighbour who was also a butcher and  this was his preferred abattoir). Not a lot happening here at the moment with live export ban.  

Heading to Timber Creek tomorrow for a couple of days, maybe more if it's good. Don't think we'll have internet access.

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