Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6th 2011 Tuesday (Happy Birthday Lise)

It's about 36 in Katherine today and it was already quite warm when we headed back along the highway to Edith Falls. We were going to camp there overnight but I like the luxury of a fan when it's warm (the air conditioner isn't too bad either). 

I'm relieved that we didn't stay there; it's very dry in the camping ground. Just down the path a bit, things change with a very large gorge and a very large pool being fed by a waterfall appear. Robert's face tells me the temperature of the water as he steps in. There's a rocky ledge to enter the water but it deepens quickly so I knew that I would literally be out of my depth. 

Robert decided to don wet suit, flippers, snorkel and goggles to explore the life below the surface. There were plenty of little sprats to be seen from the edge and even bigger fish that he could spot under the water. 

With a lovely breeze blowing over the surface of the pool, it was quite pleasant to sit and watch. I also ended up having a good chat with another visitor to the pool about her travels. I think I've convinced another couple of grey nomads to do the sunset and sunrise boat cruise at Cooinda as well as Animal Tracks Safari.  

We stopped a couple of times so that I could photograph termite mounds for Heafy. Risking life and limb, I did it just for him. It was bloody hot. I'm sure people driving by wondered what the silly woman was doing out in the sun walking around termite mounds looking for ones that had no grass at the base. In case your wondering, Heafy has an idea about using termite mounds as buildings in a photo montage. He's a photographer so I hope my shots are OK. 

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